Biomethane Certificates

Biomethane can directly replace natural gas in national networks. Biomethane certificates allow businesses to assert 100% green fuel usage and incorporate this renewable energy into their sustainability plans.

What is Biomethane?

Biomethane arises from biogas, a mix of methane, CO2, and other gases resulting from the regulated breakdown of organic material. After purification, biogas transforms into biomethane, mirroring the natural fossil gas used in national infrastructure.

The carbon impact of biomethane is almost neutral. The original biomass, as it grows, absorbs CO2, which is later released during burning. This emitted CO2 is subsequently reabsorbed by fresh biomass.

"Green gas" is a term frequently used for biogas, encompassing other eco-friendly, non-biological fuels like green hydrogen and syngas.

How is Biomethane Produced?

Biomethane originates from a variety of organic sources, commonly referred to as feedstocks.

  • This category capitalizes on organic materials that were once considered trash, encompassing sewage by-products, livestock manure, and specific types of organic waste. By transforming these materials into biomethane, the process not only reduces waste volume but also repurposes what might have otherwise been a pollutant.

  • Plants such as sugar cane and sorghum are cultivated with a primary focus on their high biomass yield and potential for gas production. These crops often grow rapidly, capturing significant amounts of CO2 during their growth, which later gets converted into biomethane, making the process sustainable and circular.

  • After harvesting, crops leave behind materials like straw, husks, and other remnants. Instead of letting these residues decay or burn (which would release CO2), they can be used to produce biomethane. This not only maximizes the utility of agricultural activities but also provides farmers with an additional source of revenue.

  • Waste products from food processing units, breweries, and dairies often have high organic content. Instead of discarding them, these can be used as a valuable feedstock for biomethane production. This approach reduces the environmental footprint of the food and beverage industry and can transform waste liabilities into energy assets.

  • Landfills are major sources of methane emissions, a potent greenhouse gas. By capturing this methane and refining it, it can be turned into biomethane, suitable for various uses including power generation and heating. This not only mitigates the environmental impacts of landfills but also provides a sustainable energy solution.

Why use biogas certificates?

Biogas certificates enable users to claim complete reliance on renewable gas and report decreased Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.

Apart from replacing fossil fuels and curbing greenhouse gas emissions, renewable gas introduces a cyclical approach to sustainability plans, converting waste into power. Acquiring biogas certificates also boosts the renewable energy sector, enhancing its competitiveness and hastening the shift towards sustainable energy.


Renewable Energy